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Roscoe Dash




Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Artist Connect App?

Where indie recording artists, musicians and other creatives can easily find everyone they need to collaborate, manage, and grow their business.

What makes the Artist Connect App different from other apps?

It's designed by creatives for creatives; to help them grow their business. It also uses A.I to match you for the best collabs, helps you do your taxes, and make written agreements.

What are the benefits for me as a seller?

We let you set a cancellation date for each job you plan to do and make sure you get your deposit if they try to cancel after that date. We maintain all your agreements, and we help you write off certain expenses on your taxes each year.

You can upload clips of your latest work on the home page timeline to attract new clients from the platform and our A.I considers this when boosting your in rank across the country to all users of Artist Connect. it also takes into account every time you do a transaction on the app. Showing yourself to be an active talent increases your visibility to new clients when they look for someone in your field.

What about users who have paid me outside of the app?

Artist Connect can only mark those transactions that have gone through the app platform. By making sure everyone pays you through the app you constantly improve and maintain your rank and reliability among those in your creative field, bringing you more opportunities and increasing your potential workflow.

What’s the benefit of having a profile if I’m not a recording artist or a creative?

You can still make a free profile to find talent to hire for a birthday, party, wedding ect.

As a buyer, what if the seller doesn’t deliver? Can I get a refund?

We escrow deposits. This way when you agree to start a job with a seller after you pay a deposit the money is held until both parties agree the job is complete. If the Seller cancels, becomes unresponsive, or we determine they have never provided the service, you will receive a full refund.

How do I know my payments are secure and my information is safe?

Our payment gateway is powered by Stripe which also powers other major apps in the market today. Artist Connect does not store any banking information.

How do I know users I contact are really who they say they are?

Users have to go through several verification steps in order to make a profile. For sellers this includes a background check.

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